Convention 2087 Wrap

The T. Rudzinskaitė Memorial Amateur Lichenologists Society held its Annual Convention 27-29 January this year at Linnaeus University in snowy Växjö, Sweden. Society co-convenors Tessa Zettel and Dr. Sumugan Sivanesan delivered the official Opening Address on Day One, with Dr. Sivanesan beaming in via spectra-link from the Convention’s Satellite program in the former west.

Highlights of the 2087 Convention: ‘Speculative Flummery and Cosmic Co-becomings’ included a keynote from the President of the Therolinguistics Association about the group’s recent trek to Pike’s Peak to decipher lichen lyrics on its rockface, a report from participants in our Forever Together vocational study program at Nefertiti Health and Beauty Salons (right here in Växjö), and a hands-on dia-sporing workshop run by some of our inter-pagan members.

A fortuitous overlap in university scheduling meant our attendees also had the opportunity to enjoy the tail end of another conference, ‘Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practices’, and a seventy-hour-long more-than-non-human dance marathon to celebrate the 70th anniversary of leading intergalactic research group Dance for Plants.

Speculative flummery was specially prepared each day by final year students from the University’s School of Post-lithoculinary Arts. A full report on convention proceedings will be published in book form later this year.

The T. Rudzinskaite Memorial Amateur Lichenologists Society is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW.

The Society’s Annual Convention 2087: Speculative Flummery and Cosmic Co-becomings

We’re looking forward to catching up with our members at the upcoming 69th Annual Society Convention gathering around the theme of ‘Speculative Flummery and Cosmic Co-becomings’, January 27-29, 2087*

This year we’re delighted to be hosted by Linnaeus University, in Växjö, Sweden. The University is renown for the groundbreaking research that’s been conducted for many decades at its Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies, in partnership with the Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology. This is a great opportunity to bring the lichen love to our Scandinavian neighbours, and hopefully catch a glimpse of the extremely rare Bitter wart lichen (Pertusaria amara) that we’ve all heard so much about lately.

The full program is now online. Registrations have officially closed, but please get in touch if you’d like to attend.

* Note: conference dates overlap with another symposium organised by our colleagues at Linnaeus University, ‘Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practice’ (Jan 25-27). Special two-for-one registration packages are available.